FMR Magazine

FMR shows art as it has never been shown.
It does not teach art history, but makes people love art
by training their taste and ability to see. A school
for the eyes.

In 1982, Franco Maria Ricci launched the FMR magazine.
The first season of FMR was an incredible success, so much so that it had four editions in different languages and reached all over Europe and the United States.
The adventure was abandoned by Franco Maria Ricci in the early 2000s, after 163 issues, with the sale of the FMR brand, to devote himself to the construction of the Labirinto della Masone.

In the last years of his life Ricci nurtured the stubborn dream of resuming the publication of FMR.
His dream has now come true.
In December 2020, his publishing house reacquired FMR, and the first issue of the new FMR series came out in December 2021.FMR moves through space and time without boundaries of art, architecture, design, where every surprise, every adventure of the eye is transformed into a stimulus for the imagination and the mind.

So far in my mission to collaborate with the publishing house and continue FMR’s legacy, I have occupied a role of research and graphic development in various issues of the second season of FMR.