Practice, Values
and Methodology
Studio Francesco Maria Tramontano


Visual Identity & Branding
Campaign design
Visual Research and Direction

Franco Maria Ricci - Parma

Magpie Studio - London

Studio FP International - Milano

︎ Available upon request


Narrative, Collaboration, Agency, Exploration, Curiosity, Strategy, Connection, Honesty, Play, Rigour.

01: Identify. 

This stage encompasses the meticulous scrutiny, interrogation, and framing of the brief to cultivate an initial understanding of the diverse elements that may constitute design problems, opportunities for presentation, and any aspects requiring addressing, amplification, or exploration. It serves as the preliminary, all-encompassing panoramic view of the project.

︎ (Exploration, Curiosity, Rigour, Collaboration)

02: Connect. 

Establishing connections with individuals, sites and nuances lies at the core of the brief, allowing for a profound understanding of stakeholders, their needs, and values. This process is crucial for making informed decisions and eliminating any assumptions that may have been made.

︎ (Connection, Collaboration, Honesty, Agency)

03: Voyage. 

Individual or collective research constitutes a thorough immersion into the subject matter—an in-depth probe that paves the way for exploring imaginative avenues and unearthing critical findings.

︎ (Exploration, Play, Curiosity, Strategy)

04: Pathfinding. 

Delving into the compiled research to discern and map connections, patterns, and opportunities.

︎ (Rigour, Exploration, Collaboration, Narrative, Strategy)

05: Concept 

Constructing a series of ideas that will subsequently undergo filtration, deepening
and refinement.

︎ (Play, Exploration, Collaboration, Narrative, Strategy)

06: Make 

Crafting tangible and meaningful work to elicit essential feedback for continuous improvement.

︎ (Play, Exploration, Collaboration, Rigour, Curiosity)

07: Afterlife. 

Integrating the work into the real world involves strategically plotting decisions to uphold its integrity, ensure longevity, imbue meaning, and wield power within its space of existence, even after creation.

︎ (Agency, Rigour, Honesty, Narrative, Strategy)

In the realm of creative practice, I find my expression through a spectrum of disciplines and mediums. Whilst visual design is my preferred avenue and domain, I am fortunate to be surrounded by a myriad of creative practitioners from diverse disciplines. This serendipitous environment allows me to glean insights into methodologies and processes unique to their industries. Collaboration and authorship stand as pillars in my practice, esteemed above all else. These elements not only foster the co-creation of diverse and exceptional work but also contribute to our collective growth as designers, engaging audiences, satisfying clients, and everything in between.

My focus lies in shaping digital and physical spaces, intricately weaving narrative placement and considerations of human behaviour within the context. To me, creativity is the art of storytelling, giving form to ideas through visual languages, always accompanied by the question, 'what if?' My design journey commenced with crafting posters for theatre productions during my school days.

The intriguing concept of transforming stage performances into visual manifestations through the artful fusion of typography and imagery captivated me. Since my foray into theatre posters, I have immersed myself in the vast realm of graphic design—a field I cherish for its cultural richness, profound meaning, and aesthetic prowess. My influences emanate from my hometown, Milan, a city steeped in design heritage with luminaries like Bruno Munari and Massimo Vignelli. Simultaneously, my identity as a British citizen has exposed me to the diverse and beautiful design culture found in the United Kingdom.
While my influences and interests have sculpted my current visual literacy and vocabulary, I remain dedicated to ongoing growth.

I champion research and learning, constantly challenging and developing my practice, identifying new spaces to situate my work, and exploring or
re-exploring mediums that breathe life into my creations. Currently pursuing my studies in MA Design, Communication, and Technology at Ravensbourne University London, my post-graduate journey has unveiled new and valuable models of practice and processes.

Beyond design itself, I am committed to fostering environments for candid conversations and the dissemination of valuable knowledge. This commitment materialised in the launch of the MaD Chats podcast in 2021, where my peers and I engage in discussions that delve into themes and dilemmas within the realm of creativity.

In the evolving landscape of 2022/23, I am dedicated to nurturing my Italian design heritage through collaborations with clients such as Franco Maria Ricci Editore and the magazine FMR. Reflecting on my design evolution, I initially perceived the craft as exclusively problem-solving. However, through the development of a reflective practice, I've come to realise that design is not confined to problem-solving; rather, it is about creating possibilities in imaginative and meaningful ways.